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Planetary gear reducer manufacturer: what is the way to reduce noise of gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:48:01

The reasons for the noise caused by the machining accuracy of gear reducer are the reasons for the deviation of gear pitch, cumulative error of pitch, shaft diameter shaking and total deviation of tooth profile. So what are the methods for us to master the gear reducer to reduce noise easily? The methods for reducing noise of gear reducer are as follows:

1. Gear coincidence index and displacement index value gear reducer manufacturer: the reliability of suspension reducer is positively proportional to the value of gear engagement coincidence index. With the increase of the index value of gear engagement coincidence, the noise of gear will be smaller, which is the basic principle of adjusting the value of gear coincidence index. During adjustment and design, the design staff should first select helical gear transmission The driving device can improve the gear meshing section and gear bending strain, and improve the noise control of three-phase gear reduction motor.

2. The gear profile modification of NMRV gear unit causes deformation under load. The research shows that the profile of gear has great harm to the high and low noise of gear. The profile modification can be divided into root trimming, trimming and K-shaped tooth.

3. The gear displacement index and the tooth number scheme design improvement method the gear displacement index and bending stiffness are closely related in the design process. In the whole process of improvement, the greater the power of the transmission device, the greater the gear deformation probability; the greater the displacement index, the less noise. In practice, the gear with small load is easy to improve economic benefits, and the displacement index of the scheme design will be less. Gear reducer is used in various fields of people's daily life. It is generally used for motor equipment with low transmission ratio and large torque. The methods for reducing noise of gear reducers are mainly the above. All of these methods are necessary for our domestic work. Everyone must reduce the noise difficulties of the group properly.

