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What should be paid special attention to during the running in period of precision planetary gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:49:44

Generally speaking, a gear reducer will have a running in period for a certain period of time after the original one. Generally, the running in period is about ten days. The reasonable use of the gear reducer during the running in period can ensure the normal operation of the machine, reduce common problems in the future, and improve the service life of the machine. Therefore, professional and technical personnel get the following two difficult problems: gear reducer Speed machine:

1. For the reasonable use of lubricating grease, especially for the transmission gear reducer motor with input power above 11kw, the operator must often check the lubricating grease, engine oil, refrigerant, residual oil and quality, and often check whether the sealing of the machine is of high quality. If it is found that there is too little oil, the specific reason should be found. In addition, we should do a good job in the double rocker work of each moistening point. Generally, during the running in period, we must add grease to the moistening point every week.

2. In the running in period, in order to ensure the normal operation of the transmission gear reducer, it is necessary to keep the machine environment clean and tidy. If loose parts are found, it is necessary to reinforce and adjust immediately to avoid the lack of parts or aggravating the damage of parts. In addition, the technical personnel explained that after the running in period, it is still necessary to carry out high-quality repair and maintenance of the machine, do a good job in the regular maintenance and adjustment of the transmission reducer machine on time, strengthen the engineering, and improve the removal efficiency of gear oil. Gear reducer: in general, if you want to drive the gear reducer motor to have a long service life, the maintenance during the running in period must ensure to improve the professional operation process, staff training and learning, timely inspection, improve the machine lubrication, avoid too little use, in the future, according to the requirements of machine maintenance, timely maintenance, will reduce the machine common problems The problem, improve the efficiency of production and processing, improve the service life, so that the profit caused by the transmission gear motor is stronger.

