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How to control the speed of Ningbo planetary gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:46:56

Gear reducer (Ningbo gear reducer) is compatible with the input high speed of motor, which is generally controlled at 2000 rpm. The high speed is a kind of grinding for bearing frame seal of roller bearing. What are the methods of gear reducer with motor to control the speed? The following methods are used for the gear reducer (Ningbo gear reducer) to control the speed by motor:

1. Because the rotating support point of the rotary gear reducer is mainly supported by two roller bearings on it, the expansion of the distance between the two roller bearings can improve the rotating reliability and bearing capacity of the rotary gear reducer.

2. The parametric modeling of gear reducer (step reducer) transmission device is rapid solid model. For parts with the same or similar shape and integrated products, a set of main parameters can be used to qualitatively study the structure specification and characteristics of the parts. According to the modification of various main parameters of the parts, the parts with different models and specifications can be obtained and the parametric design is carried out;

3. For gear reducer (Ningbo gear reducer), according to parametric modeling, if customers input or modify some of the main parameters of transmission gear, the system can automatically generate a 3D geometric model of a certain type of transmission gear. Gear reducer (large reducer) is an independent prefabricated component composed of closed transmission gear system software, worm gear drive and transmission gear worm drive in the bending rigidity block cover. It is generally used as the original part and the intermediate gear of the machine in the work. We all should follow the above method to operate the gear reducer (Ningbo gear reducer) in accordance with the appropriate control speed control method, and we should do it.

