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Dream of sailing--Annual meeting of Zhenhai gearbox in 2018

2018-02-02 H:25:07

Dream set sail

“Benefit from increasing output value, benefit from technological progress and benefit from reasonable planning”

                                                                                                                      ------Annual meeting of Zhenhai gearbox in 2018

On January 31, 2018, the 2018 annual meeting of the company was successfully held.

First, general manager Huang Jiping makes the company's annual summary report. Analyze the product and market situation in 2017 and review the major events in 2017. With the joint efforts of all the staff, all the indicators in 2017 have been completed well.


Looking forward to 2018, the economic situation is analyzed and various economic indicators in 2018 are determined. The theme of "benefit to increase output value to technological progress to reasonable plan" is put forward.

The second part of the meeting was selected as "teacher Dao Award" and "excellent employee" of the company in 2017, zhoubaokun and zhujianfeng won the teacher Dao award, and Huang Houyou and Han maochild won the excellent employee award. The general manager encourages them by issuing certificates of honor, trophies and bonuses.


Then, the trade union organized interesting games, lucky draw and arranged a big dinner. Everyone got together in high spirits. We are grateful for 2017 and wish for 2018

The successful holding of the annual meeting has guiding and revenue generating significance for the further development of the company. Looking back on 2017, we are "17 forward, take the overall situation into consideration, have the courage to take responsibility, and are not afraid of difficulties and challenges". Looking forward to 2018, we will make concerted efforts and set sail!
