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What problems should we pay attention to when installing precision planetary gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:27:39

Recently, when we buy worm gear motor, we often inquire about the installation difficulties of worm gear motor. In order to make it more convenient for many customers, what should we pay attention to when installing worm gear motor? In the installation of the worm gear motor, it needs to be firmly installed on the machine equipment of the worm gear motor, and pay attention to the alignment of the central line in the management method of the transmission system. The reason for the deviation can not be very large, and it can not be loose. It must be ensured that in the whole installation process of all worm gear reduction motors, it is clear here whether the transformation of reducer is suitable, and then the installation of worm gear reduction motors can be carried out anytime and anywhere.

2、 When the motor equipment of the worm gear reducer is installed on the output shaft, it is forbidden to knock it with a drill bit. Suitable installation fixture and external thread of the bearing end cover should be used to fix the fixed clamp, otherwise it is likely to cause damage to the internal parts of the motor of the orthogonal shaft gear reducer.

3、 If the motor of helical worm gear reducer can not be placed for a long time, and the skeleton seal is not immersed in lubricating grease after 3-6 months, it is suggested that the customers of worm gear reducer should remove the skeleton seal.

4、 Please follow the application specification of reducer. Standardize the working temperature of enterprise office from - 5 ℃ to 10 ℃. If the rated current is exceeded, please contact the manufacturer.

5、 After the worm gear motor is installed in place, the classification of the gear reducer and the credibility of the standard parts clamping shall be checked, and the goods after the installation of the worm gear motor shall be able to rotate.

6: Intransitive verb reducer is generally used with the reducer motor or motor in line with the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to install natural ventilation and cooling equipment to maintain the normal operation of the worm gear motor in the heat removal work.

7、 After the installation and application of the worm gear motor, the vegetable oil level should be checked first. It is not allowed to lift the load immediately. It is proposed to increase the load obviously. It is proposed to install protective equipment around the worm gear motor. As the transmission system of industrial equipment, worm gear motor is widely used in many mobile phone software of transmission gear system, so the effective installation and proper use is very important.

